Monday, December 29, 2014

Greetings from our new President!

Hi Members!

Wishing all of you Holiday Happiness and a Wonderful 2015!  Thanks to this year's past president, Irena Taylor, and our board members~~Roger Snyder, Charles Krause, Christine Armes, and Maria Aguirre~~for your efforts and leadership!  I'm looking forward to a New Year for our pastel society filled with creativity, learning, and friendships.  Welcome to new board members~~Georgia Stok and Kay Brooks~~ as well! 

Our first meeting will take place on the first Saturday of February 2015 at the McNay Art Museum in the Learning Center--10:30 to 1:00.  We'll start out with an art demo by our past judge for the Carver art show, Artist--Kathleen Cook, followed by a general meeting and new year's welcome to new and past members along with refreshments.  

One last thing, you can keep current with our TXPS events and news with our BlogSpot (Mary Lopez) and Facebook page (Christine Armes and Cindy Morawski) and email sent out by Secretary Roger Synder.  I'm looking forward to seeing you at our February meeting and demo!  Thanks for your participation!

Stay Inspired!
Cindy Morawski
Texas Pastel Society, President

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