Monday, December 29, 2014

A Special Note from Out-going President, Irena Taylor

Happy Holidays to each of you and best wishes for the New Year.

It's been a pleasure serving as President of the Texas Pastel Society this past year.  Without the support of the Board we couldn't have done all that we were able to.  We had some very incredible demonstrations with Stan Sperlak, Katherine Pickens, and Pauline Howard and enjoyable visits to SAMA and more recently the Intimate Impressionism exhibit at the McNay.  Several members met at the Coppini Academy for a "Paint-In".   Cindy Morawski created our Facebook page. Mary Lopez keeps up the Blog.   In May we had a wonderful show at the Bijou with several sales.   This Autumn we managed to pile into one month three exhibition opportunities and finally our own Texas Treasures Show at the Carver Center. No wonder the year went by so fast!
Thanks for all your help and participation which keeps the Texas Pastel Society thriving.  A big THANK YOU to all who will be serving on the 2015 Board.

Irena Taylor, President 2014

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