Monday, December 29, 2014

Greetings from our new President!

Hi Members!

Wishing all of you Holiday Happiness and a Wonderful 2015!  Thanks to this year's past president, Irena Taylor, and our board members~~Roger Snyder, Charles Krause, Christine Armes, and Maria Aguirre~~for your efforts and leadership!  I'm looking forward to a New Year for our pastel society filled with creativity, learning, and friendships.  Welcome to new board members~~Georgia Stok and Kay Brooks~~ as well! 

Our first meeting will take place on the first Saturday of February 2015 at the McNay Art Museum in the Learning Center--10:30 to 1:00.  We'll start out with an art demo by our past judge for the Carver art show, Artist--Kathleen Cook, followed by a general meeting and new year's welcome to new and past members along with refreshments.  

One last thing, you can keep current with our TXPS events and news with our BlogSpot (Mary Lopez) and Facebook page (Christine Armes and Cindy Morawski) and email sent out by Secretary Roger Synder.  I'm looking forward to seeing you at our February meeting and demo!  Thanks for your participation!

Stay Inspired!
Cindy Morawski
Texas Pastel Society, President

A Special Note from Out-going President, Irena Taylor

Happy Holidays to each of you and best wishes for the New Year.

It's been a pleasure serving as President of the Texas Pastel Society this past year.  Without the support of the Board we couldn't have done all that we were able to.  We had some very incredible demonstrations with Stan Sperlak, Katherine Pickens, and Pauline Howard and enjoyable visits to SAMA and more recently the Intimate Impressionism exhibit at the McNay.  Several members met at the Coppini Academy for a "Paint-In".   Cindy Morawski created our Facebook page. Mary Lopez keeps up the Blog.   In May we had a wonderful show at the Bijou with several sales.   This Autumn we managed to pile into one month three exhibition opportunities and finally our own Texas Treasures Show at the Carver Center. No wonder the year went by so fast!
Thanks for all your help and participation which keeps the Texas Pastel Society thriving.  A big THANK YOU to all who will be serving on the 2015 Board.

Irena Taylor, President 2014

Dues Reminder and Thank you from Maria Aguirre, Current Membership Chair

Monday, December 1, 2014

New Board for Texas Pastel Society

The Texas Pastel Society has a new 2015 board.  Members voted for the new officers and reinstated the ones continuing with their terms  at the Carver Center's Art Show and Reception.  The TXPS 2015 board members are as follows:

President:    Cindy Morawski
Vice President:    Kay Brooks
Secretary:    Roger Snyder
Treasurer:    Charles Krause
Membership:    Georgia Stok
Publicity:     Christine Armes  

Our next 2015 meeting and art demo are scheduled for the first Saturday of February.  More details will follow. 

Cindy Morawski

Texas Treasures a Success! Congratulations!

The 2014 Texas Pastel Show "Texas Treasures", at the Carver, got off to a great start at the reception on November 6th.  Attached is the show Judge’s comments.  Kathleen Cook, a well known Pastelist from the Kerrville/Ingram area, was impressed with the level of work exhibited in this show.  Works from San Antonio, New Braunfels, Canyon Lake, Rockport and Houston are on display thru December 1st in the lobby of the Carver Center.

Also attached is a picture of the awardees (in the background is Bob Rhodes' award winning lighthouse picture).  From left to right, Dan Oxford (Honorable Mention), Diane Brahm (Third Place), Bob Rhodes (First Place), Denise Beard (Second Place and Cindy Morawski (Honorable Mention).

 Those of us with art in the TXPS show at the Carver need to pick those pieces up Tuesday,December 2 between 9:00 and 4:00.(Note that pick up day was moved from Dec. 3rd ).

Congratulations to all who participated in the Texas Pastel Society Show “Texas Treasures”.
I was honored to be invited to view these excellent examples of pastel painting and challenged to select only 5 works to receive special recognition and awards.
I was especially impressed with the variety of subject matter and styles---from the whimsical to the deeply thought-provoking---and from the realistic to the abstract. I found each entry to be a personal reflection of an artist who is reaching deeper into themselves to produce something fresh and new. Knowing nothing of the artists, really, I felt that the work presented in this show was seasoned and maturing. I wouldn’t say that any of the artists were beginners by any means.
Any juror is always presented with the same challenge. To look for and to evaluate the basics, like good design, composition, drawing skills, accurate anatomy, selection of subject, use of the medium, color, valuem etc. From these strong works, the next step is to identify those that are doing something unexpected or are taking artistic risks or are making me think in a new way. Good design compels the viewer to come closer and a good idea makes the trip to the wall worth the effort. That’s the artist’s job---to slow time and help the viewer see life in a different or a more close-up way.
Today, during the jurying, I was rewarded with many pastel paintings that were full of light, energy, atmosphere, humor, drama, poetry and keen observation. After all the technical evaluation and consideration, any juror must then select works that touch her on an emotional level. Other jurors might have selected a different group of award winners, but from the 40 years of my career with producing and viewing artwork and working with the beautiful pastel medium, I am confident that my selections are solid.
Just a word of insight into my selections:
First Place----“Squall Over Louisbourge” by Bob Rhodes had all the good elements of design, and then gave the lighthouse an unusual placement, off to the side, so that the darkening stormy sky could be prominent. I was drawn closer by the wonderful violets and closer still I discovered the delicate and accurate drawing. In this piece and the one of the yellow bird, also by Rhodes, titled, “___________”, I felt the wind blowing, just by the way the pastel was handled. Wonderful color, emotion and mood.
Second Place----“Caffe Italiano” by Denise Beard fascinated me for the edgy composition. An abstraction of realistic objects. Ordinary items presented so up close, so that we lost sight of what they were and could really focus on the shapes. I kept coming back to this piece, getting lost in it, like being inside a jigsaw puzzle. The drawing and rendering of textures is superb. So much packed into a small space as was her second entry of her little deer, “Curiosity”.
Third Place----“Love Me Some Party” by Diane Brahme first just made me laugh and feel good. Then I started looking closer and appreciated the sound anatomy, the great personality of the face, the good composition and the skillful handling of figures in the distance. There is energy and vitality in this party girl and the feeling of dance. Just an all-around competent painting and an unique idea.
Honorable Mention----“Marfa Ruin” by Daniel Oxford gave me something to appreciate in that solid, abandoned building. He found something beautiful in what many would see as forlorn and sad. This composition is excellent and the size relationship of the image and the surrounding mat gave this piece a prominence that a smaller frame package would not have done.
Honorable Mention----“Morning with Bluebonnets” by Cindy Morawski. Is it possible to see something new in a bluebonnet painting? Yes, this unusual dimension in a panoramic format made me want to take a closer look. I loved the way the loose application of strokes appears more solid at a distance, producing many colors in the viewer’s eye. The atmosphere of the sky is also well-handled.
Overall, I would like to praise the Texas Pastel Society exhibitors for their high quality of framing and mat selections. Some of the mat selections worked to enhance the art and the total package of art and frame made such a difference. I am a lover of matting for pastel art. I like the breathing room that a mat will give between the image and the frame, which will then set the painting apart from the surrounding wall.
My applause to each of the entrants for sharing your artistry with me and allowing me the privilege of encouraging you in your artistic journey. I know exactly what it feels like to put your best work out there for another to evaluate. We artists are all out there seeking that beautiful image, that unusual concept, that special communication with our viewers. Always reaching out beyond our current abilities to learn and grow. I hope to see more of your art in the future. Together, we love the pastel medium and celebrate its versatility and brilliance. Many thanks to all.
--------Kathleen Cook, PSA

Thursday, September 25, 2014

TXPS at the Home and Garden Show

Join us at the Alamodome for the Fall Home and Garden Show!

We will be at booths # 177-179 this weekend, September 26 -28. 

Demos daily.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Upcoming Can't Miss Meetings!

Our TXPS Sept. meeting takes place on Saturday, Sept. 6th, 10:30 to 12:30, at the Mission Branch Library in San Antonio.  Katherine Pickens will demo for us.  And, we will have a general business meeting too. 

October's meeting takes place on Thursday, Oct. 16th, at the McNay Art Museum.  We'll have a business meeting with a discussion about the need for new officers (President, Treasurer, and Membership Chairperson) for 2015 at the downstairs classroom at the museum at 6 p.m., followed by a docent-led tour of the new Intimate Impressionism Exhibit at 7 p.m. 

Cindy Morawski

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

"Texas Treasures" Show prospectus

Texas Pastel Society
Texas Treasures

November 1 – December 2, 2014
The Carver Center
226 N. Hackberry San Antonio, Texas

Kathleen Cook, Judge
Nationally known for her beautiful effects of light and color.

Cash Prizes
First - $300 Second - $200 Third - $100
and other non-cash awards

Open to pastel artists. No oil pastels. All original.
First 60 paintings will be accepted. (must have paid the show fee)
Not eligible: A copy of another artist's work, work based on photos not taken by the artist, work done under the guidance of an instructor or in a classroom setting. No reproductions.
Work must not have previously received a major award .
Size limitation: Paintings no larger than 18x24 image(before framing).
The Texas Pastel Society has the right to refuse paintings they deem inappropriate for viewing by the general public. No nudes allowed.
Frames must be properly wired for hanging. No sawtooth hangers allowed.
Paintings do not have to be for sale.
All sales are between artist and client. No commission will be taken.

Fees: TXPS members : $35/2 pieces Non – members : $45/2 pieces
Payment must be received by Tuesday, September 30, 2014.
Send payment with signed Entry Form to:
Charles Krause, 3939 Fredericksburg Rd., # L 8, San Antonio, Texas 78201

Receiving Day -Hand delivery only
Saturday, November 1, 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Carver Center, 226 N. Hackberry, San Antonio, Texas

Reception and Awards – Thursday, November 6, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Removal – Wednesday, December 3, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Texas Pastel Society
Texas Treasures” Entry Form

Please print legibly



City ______________________________________________zip___________________


Title 1__________________________________________________________________

Image size_______________________Price_______________or NFS___________

Title 2__________________________________________________________________

Image size_______________________Price_______________or NFS___________


TXPS will reserve the right to use an image of the artwork for viewing on the TXPS Facebook
and the blog for a period of two years from date on entry form.

Pick-Up: Wednesday. December 3.( 8-2 p.m.)

Hold Harmless Agreement

Neither the Carver Center nor the Texas Pastel Society will be held responsible for any damage to work during the duration of the show.

I have read and agree to all conditions in the prospectus.


Email Secretary Roger Snyder for a copy ,

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

TXPS June Meeting

The Texas Pastel Society meeting for June will be held Saturday June 14th at 10:00 AM.

We are meeting at the Greenhouse Gallery to hear what is new in framing.  Come see how to present your pictures.

Anyone who has a picture that they won’t worry about damage, please bring it along

Please note that the Greenhouse Gallery has relocated (back to their original location).  They are at 2222 Breezewood about a block away from their previous location.

Roger Snyder

Monday, May 19, 2014

TXPS May Meeting Notes

Texas Pastel Society
May Membership Meeting
May 3, 2014
The May membership meeting was held Saturday afternoon at the Coppini Academy. Eight members were in attendance.

The meeting started with a brief business meeting. Irene Taylor announced that the exhibit at the Bijou theater included 14 members. Janice Westrich had already sold two paintings from that show. The next scheduled TXPS event was the exhibit at the Central Market in July and August. There will be limited space available. Interested parties should contact Charles Krause.

Irene then introduced Mary MacIntosh. Mary started with a brief biography and then went on to describe her recent trip to the Plein Aire Painting convention in Monterey California. For the first time, at the urging of previous attendees, there was a separate Pastel (and watercolor) track. There were many noted pastelists demonstrating and a number of opportunities to get out in the field and paint along side these artists. A report of the New Braunfels artists at the convention appeared in the local newspaper.

Mary then turned to the subject of how to take pastels out into the field, starting with a description of some of the equipment she had used and abandoned. She then demonstrated her current setup of a tripod with a custom made mast to hold a board for mounting painting surfaces. She then went on to show a set of arms mounted to her box of pastels that simply mounted on the tripod legs, resulting in a very sturdy system. She also mentioned that James Coulter (look on Google) sells parts and assorted hardware.
Some of the other items she discussed included: a viewfinder (very important), a stone bag (to add weight to the tripod when painting in a wind), sun screen and insect repellant, a good hat and other items. These were nice packed in a Kelte backpack with a belt to support the weight on the hips. She noted that it was important, of course, to find a pack that you could fit a pastel box in.

Mary recommends the Plein Aire Convention, as well as the IAPS convention, and Barbara Jaenicke’s workshop at Mary’s studio this fall.

Mary then showed several work-in-process paintings. These were started with a gouache underpainting. She completed her presentation with a demonstration of how she paints grasses (at the request of several members). Her technique: start with the ground (dark eggplant and blue-grays), next the midlevel colors (medium greens) and then finishing with the lighter details.

Roger Snyder, Secretary

Friday, May 2, 2014

Mary McIntosh demo details

Ever wonder how you would take all those wonderful pastels outdoors for Plein Air painting*?  Envy the oil painters?  Attend Saturday’s meeting and find out.

Mary MacIntosh will demonstrate her methods of Plein Air painting, do a painting demo, and perhaps share a few stories from the recent Plein Air Convention.

Remember, its Saturday, May 3rd, from 1 to 3 PM at the Coppini (115 Melrose Place).

*Hint:  I don’t really need all those yellows!  See you there.

Secretary, TXPS

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Upcoming TXPS meeting and Central Market show

  TXPS will hang small pictures at Central Market July and August.  Limit 10 participants.  Let Irene know if you are interested.

  The next TXPS meeting will be at the Coppini on Saturday, May 3rd from 1:00 to 3:00.  Our apologies for changing time and venue, but early voting has interfered with our usual place.

The Coppini Academy of Fine Art is located at 115 Melrose Pl., off McCullough in San Antonio.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Texas Pastel Society on Facebook

The Texas Pastel Society is now on Facebook.  We are listed simply as Texas Pastel Society.  Please look for us and help to increase our presence.  Also all are welcome to post pastel related news and pictures.

Texas Pastel Society

Sunday, January 12, 2014

New President and Vice-President at TXPS

Congratulations and a big thanks to Irene Taylor who will serve as President and Cindy Morawski as Vice-President.  We look forward to new ideas and a great year!

Coming soon will be TXPS' own Facebook page where you will receive updates on all art happenings. Stay tuned!

Friday, January 10, 2014

January Art Activity

The membership is invited for a Paint-In/Critique(if requested) at the Coppini Studio (115 Melrose Pl., San Antonio) on Saturday, January 11th from 1 - 4 p .m.  Irena will set up a couple of still lifes so artists can paint or you can just observe.  Easels are available for use.  Please RSVP Irena at