Texas Pastel Society
February 2, 2013
Member Meeting
Meeting started at 10:30 AM at the Tobin Library with 12 members present.
Old Business
Mary Lopez briefly described the upcoming events: The San Antonio Garden show, the Spring exhibit at the Tobin Library and the San Antonio Garden Club exhibit. Sign up sheets were available.
Demonstration: Painting with a Limited Palette by Irene Taylor
Irene had a still life set up with a vase, a ceramic kitten and various pieces of fabric draped on the background.
Irene has used
limited palettes for oil painting. She decided to explore the
possibility of doing this with pastels. For pastels, she worked with
alizarin crimson, lemon yellow, ultramarine blue, black, and white.
Discussing color theory, she noted that lemon yellow was selected as
an intense yellow. She described the theory of cool and warm blues.
Also that for bright colors one should use only two primaries.
With pastels, only limited mixing is
possible since the surface selected limits the amount of pastel that
can be added. Irene used a pearl Canson paper in the demonstration.
Irene switched to soft pastels and then
back to hard and medium pastels for the details. There was a
discussion on how much of the edge closest to the light to highlight.
Irene noted that, if the entire edge is highlighted the object will
look as if it was pasted on. The highlight should be the part that
is perpendicular to the light source.
Roger Snyder, Secretary
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