Monday, June 11, 2012

Mary Campos Lopez Solo Exhibition of Past and Present Works

My solo exhibition is up at the Great  Northwest Library, Wellwood at Grissom.  It will run through June with a "Meet the Artist" session on Saturday, June 16th, from 10:30a.m. - 12 noon in the meeting room.  I will be happy to answer questions on what inspired me to paint a certain painting, technique, or just simply watch me paint with pastels.  I have 20 paintings up, reflecting my progress through the years.  It's very interesting as I can see the change in my painting technique and you might find interesting, too.

Recently I overworked my right wrist with yardwork, garden projects, painting, and have to use a brace, which means I have to give it a rest.  What to do?  Paint with your left hand!  I will demonstrate both at the demo since I can't use my right hand too much.  When I started painting with my left, it's like there was another artist inside, well, you'll see my left-handed paintings at the library.  Look for Garden Tots, Steer Among Us, and Old Magnolia. The whole left-handed thing has really inspired me!

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