Monday, February 1, 2016

TXPS February Kick-Off Meeting!

Hi TXPS Members!

Happy 2016!  The Texas Pastel Society wants to kick off the New Year with a meeting, art demo, and lunch on the first Saturday, February 6, 2016, 10:30 to 1:00 p.m. at this year's home base--Coppini Academy of Fine Arts, 115 Melrose Pl., San Antonio.  Our general meeting will include our spring plans and art show.  The art demo features local master pastel artist, Jeannette Cuevas.  Two of her paintings are included below.  Meeting is free for all members and $3.00 for nonmembers. We'll also finish with a nearby cafĂ© lunch.  Hope you'll join us.  

Two final things, please renew your 2016 membership with TXPS as soon as possible.  Membership renewals can be done at our February meeting or through the mail with membership chairwoman, Georgia Stok.  Thanks!  Members, please check out our Facebook page.  News and updates, plus artwork are available and current.  If you want something added to our Facebook page, just email or Facebook a message.  Cindy Morawski~~

Happy Painting!
See Jeannette's work at